Seminario del 21 de julio de 2016

21/07/2016, 14:30 hs, aula 27 FaMAF

No Quantum Symmetry


Expositora: Chelsea Walton (Temple University, USA).

Resumen: I will discuss recent work on the lack of finite dimensional Hopf actions on (quantizations of) commutative domains. This includes results on Hopf actions on Weyl algebras, universal enveloping algebras of finite dimensional Lie algebras, spherical symplectic reflection algebras, quantumpolynomial algebras, twisted homogeneous coordinate rings of abelian varieties, and Sklyanin algebras.

The starting point for these results was joint work with P. Etingof on semisimple Hopf actions on commutative domains (arXiv:1301.4161), and continued in joint work with J. Cuadra and P. Etingof on finite dimensional Hopf actions on Weyl algebras (arxiv:1409.1644, arXiv:1509.01165) and with P. Etingof on such actions on deformation quantizations (arXiv:1602.00532) and on algebraic quantizations (arXiv:1605:00560).