Categoría: Seminars 2018

Seminar of June 6th

7/6/2018, Room 27, 2:30 pm, FaMAF From Hopf Algebras to tensor categories Speaker: Héctor Peña Pollastri Abstract: This talk follows the exposition given in [1]. We’ll show a systematic way to construct tensor categories from categories of representations of certain Hopf Algebras taking the quotient by objects of zero quantum-trace (a process which was introduced in …

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Seminar of May 24th

24/05/2018, Room 27, 2:30 pm, FaMAF Introduction to Representation Theory of Quantum Algebras Speaker: Henrique Teixeira Tyrrell Tavares (Radboud University) Abstract: Abstract: We shall investigate highest weight modules one of the main family of representations of quantum algebras and their properties. We will also mention its relation to finite-dimensional representations and some generalizations.

Seminar of May 10th

10/05/2018, Room 27, FaMAF On the structure of weakly group-theoretical braided fusion categories. Speaker: Sonia Natale Abstract: In this talk, we will review the definition of the core of a braided fusion category, introduced by Drinfeld, Gelaki, Nikshych and Ostrik, and its relation with G-crossed braided fusion categories, where G is a finite group, introduced …

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Seminar of March 13rd (Friday!)

13/04/2018, room and schedule TBA, FaMAF Quantum determinants in the FRT construction from Nichols algebras. Speaker: Marco Farinati Abstract: Given a braided vector space (V,c), the FRT construction provides a (coquasitriangular) bialgebra A=A(c) whose comodule category is braided and contains (V,c) naturally. In general A is a bialgebra but not a Hopf algebra. In this …

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Seminar of April 26th

26/04/2018, 14.30 hs, aula 27 FaMAF Lie subalgebras of the matrix quantum pseudo-differential operators Speaker: Karina Batistelli Abstract: In this talk, we will characterize the irreducible quasi-finite highest weight modules of some subalgebras of the Lie algebra of N×N matrix quantum pseudodifferential operators. In order to do this, we will first give a complete description …

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Seminar of March 22nd

22/03/2018, 14.30 hs, aula 27 FaMAF Restrictions of representations of Lie groups to reductive subgroups Speaker: Jorge Vargas Abstract: We will present an overview of the subject and open problems. We will announce some results from the speaker obtained in collaboration with Michael Duflo or Bent Orsted.