During 2018, the seminar will take place on Thursdays at 14:30 hs at Aula 27 of FaMAF, usually every 15 days.
Please contact the organizers for further information or suggestions: Diego Sulca (ardiegosss at gmail.com) and Fernando Fantino (fantino at famaf.unc.edu.ar).
The dates and speakers of 2018 are the following (click on the title to see the abstract of the talk):
- November 22/Ignacio Zurrián: Time-Band-Limiting for matrix-valued functions.
- November 8/Noelia Belén Bertolussi: The adjoint algebra for tensor categories.
- Octobre 25/Erik Koelink: Matrix valued spherical functions and multivariable matrix valued orthogonal polynomials.
- October 11/Erik Koelink: Burchnall type identities for orthogonal polynomials.
- September 27/Agustín García: How to lift
- September 13/Iván Angiono: Hopf algebras of basic Hopf coradical.
- August 30/Fiorela Rossi Bertone: On the SO(n+3) to SO(n) branching multiplicity space.
- August 18/Rocío Díaz: Matrix spherical analysis on nilmanifolds.
- July 4th/Sergio Beltran Cubillos: Nichols Algebras over dihedral groups.
- June 22nd/Cristian Vay: Perverse sheaves in the language of diagrammatic categories
- June 7th/Héctor Peña Pollastri: From Hopf algebras to tensor categories
- May 24th/Henrique Tavares: Introduction to Representation Theory of Quantum Algebras.
- May 10th/ Sonia Natale: On the structure of weakly group-theoretical braided fusion categories.
- April 26th/Karina Batistelli: Lie subalgebras of the matrix quantum pseudo-differential operator.
- April 13th/Marco Farinati: Quantum determinants in the FRT construction from Nichols algebras.
- March 22th/Jorge Vargas: Restrictions of representations of Lie groups to reductive subgroups.