During 2017, the seminar will take place on thursdays at 14:30 hs at Aula 27 of FaMAF, usually every 15 days.
Please contact the organizers for further information or suggestions: Karina Batistelli (khbatistelli at gmail.com) and Pablo Roman (pabloroman78 at gmail.com).
The dates and speakers of 2017 are the following (click on the title to see the abstract of the talk):
- March 16th/Nicolas Andruskiewitsch: Una breve introducción a los grupos finitos simples de tipo Lie.
- April 11th/Timmy Fieremans (Belgium): An introduction to Hopf categories and Galois theory for Hopf categories.
- April 11th/Ruben Henrard (Belgium): Monoidal reconstruction and deformation theory.
- May 4th/Cristian Vay: Sobre la Reciprocidad BGG.
- May 18th/Roberto Miatello: Series de Poincaré automorfas para SU(2,1).
- June 8th/Erik Koelink (Holland): Matrix-valued orthogonal polynomials and group theory.
- June 8th/ César Galindo-Martínez (Colombia): Extensiones modulares de categorías de fusión super-Tannakianas.
- June 22/Leandro Cagliero: La Ley de Reciprocidad de Hermite.
- July 11th/João Matheus Jury Giraldi (Brazil): Nuevas álgebras de Hopf vía método del levante .
- August 25th/Esteban Andruchow: Subespacios esencialmente ortogonales.
- August 31st/Fredy Restrepo: Operadores diferenciales de Álgebras de Carcaj.
- September 14th/Milen Yakimov(US): Poisson geometry of 3 dimensional PI Sklyanin algebras.
- September 28th/Carina Boyallian: Non local vertex algebras.
- October 12th/Fernando Fantino: Copointed Hopf algebras over dihedral groups.
- October 26th/Augusto Chavez: Rigidity of the k-steps nilpotent Lie algebras through the Nash-Moser theorem.
- November 9th/Julien Bichon: Hopf algebras having a dense big cell.
- November 23th/Giovanna Carnovale: The Jordan stratification in Lie algebras and algebraic groups.
- November 23th/Iván Darío Gómez: Structure of the tensorial product of the uniserial sl(2)⋉ V(m)-modules.